
With everything going on in our heads and our lives, sometimes it can be easy to feel alone. But did you know that 1 in 5 people live with a mental illness every year? There are so many people who’ve been there too. If you want to get connected to support or just meet people who get it, check out the resources below!

NAMI Support Groups:

  • Young Adult NAMI Connection Groups: NAMI Minnesota offers support groups for folks aged 16-20 and 18-30 that are facilitated by a trained young adult volunteer(s) living with mental illness. They’re a safe place to confront the moments that make life challenging and learn new skills amongst your peers. Groups are free, function on a drop-in basis, and you can participate/share to your comfort level.

    • To see listings for all support groups, click here!

Other support groups

  • TIGERRS is a Minnesota program designed to support trans/intersex/gender-expansive folks. They have LGBTQ+ social support groups for kids under 12 and teens 13-18 as well as a wide variety of resources (whether you have a mental illness or not)!

    • Visit the website link above to request info about youth programming, intersex peer support groups. They also have a fantastic transgender resource directory which can be found here.

    • For more information: email


  • If you’re thinking about or looking for a therapist but don’t know where to start, read here or listen to this conversation on NPR.

  • The Walk-In Counseling Center of Minnesota offers free mental health counseling and assessments and is a great confidential place to find support!

  • CUHCC (run by the University of Minnesota) offers reduced/sliding scale therapy, medication management, and social support for young adults and their families regardless of insurance status.

  • Some therapists offer privately run, multi-person support groups. Some of these groups are advertised here!

  • FindHelp is a website where you can look for accessible care at all cost and levels in your area, even if you don’t have insurance!

  • For help navigating the children’s mental health system or to look into what types of support are out there, look at NAMI Minnesota’s Keeping Families Together booklet.

  • For help on understanding psychiatric hospitalization, look at NAMI’s Children’s Psychiatric Hospitalization booklet.

Online support:

  • Reddit can be a great place to find casual communities around certain diagnoses or issues. While everything is user-submitted and moderated, there are tons places for support and solidarity or to talk about your own experiences.

  • TeenTribe offers online support groups for teens living with mental illness. Must be 13 years old to sign up.

  • 7cups connects you with caring listeners around the world who can listen to you, provide support, and help you over call or chat.

  • HearingVoices is a place to find support groups for those living with psychosis or schizophrenia

  • In The Rooms is an online website and support service for those struggling with substance issues who want an extra space of support.

  • ChillChat gives you a place to learn stress coping strategies, discuss stressful topics with a licensed psychologist and other teens in Minnesota, or learn ways to start a mental health club at your high school.

  • Made of Millions is an online platform that provides support and advocacy for people who live with various other mental health conditions.

  •  To Write Love on Her Arms  publishes blog posts from those struggling with self harm and offers words of support.

  •  The Mighty publishes articles relating to mental health as well as blog posts where people discuss their mental health journeys.

  • The Sexual Violence Center connects survivors with support groups, forums, and has their own crisis line.

  • Break The Cycle provides dating abuse programs and peer support via text for folks ages 12 to 24. It also gives information on navigating the justice system and finding safety.

LOCAL/NationaL ADVOCACY & Support Organizations: